From global account handling to total account management

 Global Account Network - Nordics

We are championing a network of professionals working in and with Global Account Management. The purpose with the network is to:

·      Share experiences and knowledge

·       Create inspiration and spread best practice

·      Establish a platform for cooperation

The network meets three times per year and consists today of 25-30 individuals from companies in all industries and of all sizes. Our ambition is to keep the group big enough to provide value and small enough to enable open discussions. All kept together by an interest to be better by learning from each other.  

Benefits of being a member of the network is to broaden your contact network with people working in the same area but in other companies and industries, learn from other successes and mistakes and above all, a fora for raising your own challenges and getting ideas from others.

Next meeting will take place February 2020 in the Stockholm area.

Let us know if you are interested to receive an invitation.