From global account handling to total account management

What we do


Hands-on consulting

We will help you to sharpen your sales towards global customers. By using our experience and our tool box we will jointly reach challenging objectives early. We improve Time to Result, which means that we reduce the time to implementation by half.

We will introduce a more structured and stringent way of working, reflecting and strengthening your global sales strategy. The assignment kick off with an evaluation of today´s situation and most importantly, we will jointly agree on improvement objectives, which are thoroughly followed up during the implementation. Objectives centered around growth.

 We are operating in four steps, with decision gates after each phase:

  • Evaluation and recommendation of Total Account Management set up

  • Planning the new approach and improvement objectives

  • Implementation Total Account Management set up

  • Verification and monitoring of results

 Our aim is to make sure that all learnings stay with you, hence you will as an added benefit develop your key staff.



Account Planning competence booster

A Global Account Manager is a multi-cultural leader who is expected to be an influencer, politically astute, able to build and lead a virtual team, and above all, to deliver business results in a complex environment. In addition the Covid situation has forced us to interact with our customers in a new digital fashion. This will require the successful Account Manager to adopt and to find new creative ways to identify and manage stakeholders and to close deals.


The program is aimed for Key/Strategic/Global Managers and their teams, the purpose is to:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of account planning and key factors for successful execution

  • Offer a number of tactical actions to use in the new digital world

  • Progress individual competence through hands-on coaching

The competence booster is delivered through our proven mix of:

  • Four on-line seminares

  • Work in between meetings

  • Eight individual coaching sessions

  • Both company specific and open programs. English or swedish.



Global Account Network – Nordics

We are championing a network of professionals working in and with Global Account Management. The purpose with the network is to:

  • Share experiences and knowledge

  • Create inspiration and spread best practice

  • Establish a platform for cooperation

The network meets three times per year and today consists of 25 individuals from companies in all industries and of all sizes, all kept together by an interest to be better by learning from each other. The network is on invitational basis, please reach out to us to learn how you could become a member



About Us
